no-prep veneers

Minimalism—Comfort Dentistry

Minimalism in dentistry, what is it and why should you care? If we said minimally invasive/comfort dentistry would this hit an emotional trigger? Dr Bloom has trained extensively in bonding...

Custom Bite Splint vs. Night Guard

Bite Splint vs. Night Guard—what's the difference? At it's simplest, compare a Dr Scholl's insert to a custom foot orthotic. In our practice, we only make custom Bite Splints—Dr. Bloom learned from...

David’s Journey

David hasn't always been passionate about dentistry—in 1988 he almost left the profession. The summer we met he was more comfortable talking about his travels and photography than his practice. In...

Same Day Crowns!

Do You CEREC, we do! CEREC (aka one and done) is our digital scanner and milling system—from the digital impression, we mill your permanent crown in-house in a half hour! We have yet to meet a...

Painless Dentist

Take All Your Anxiety Away with the WAND Imagine you're at the dentist and instead of the typical injection for numbing, they use the Wand, it looks like a Water Pik. This is the system Dr. Bloom...

Buffing & Painting To A More Gorgeous Smile

The Allure of Direct Composite Veneers Want to see a cosmetic dentist in action? The procedure involves nothing but buffing and painting-how cool is that? Here David is buffing and painting on teeth...

The Cosmetic Stunner-Direct Composite Veneers

Direct Composite Venners. This is a stunning cosmetic treatment. Dr Bloom uses composite (a resin material with light reflecting particles) to create a new look for your teeth. He applies the...

Dentist who cures headaches

Meet Deb, for two years her daughter, Karina (25) was in constant pain—plagued by blinding headaches, she didn't sleep, eat comfortably or smile much. Life was pretty much just a struggle. Her oral...