Hello. We would like you to know that we are closed temporarily due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, following the guidelines of the American Dental Association. However, we are here if you are having an...
no-prep veneeers
What You Need to Know about Dental Implants
As much as I love to blog about my favorite health and wellness ideas, today I'm compelled to comment on what I see are the ills of corporate dentistry. Of late hitting the airwaves is Clear Choice,...
Nobody Wants To Kiss a Duck
I am honored to welcome Dr Lisa Vuich as our first first blogger. Dr Vuich has decades of experience in the art and science of facial aesthetics, and is a foremost leader in her field. She is...
A New Way to Headache Relief
Can we talk about your headaches? Do you wake you with one, or are they just nagging? Do you accept them as part of life, your new normal? Ok, then I’m going to blow your mind. Do you know that the...
Website Launch!
We are excited to announce the launch of our new website. Please take a look around and let us know what you think!