Have you heard about non-invasive dentistry? Treating non-invasively is a brilliant option for the right candidate. Simply, non-invasive means your dentist won't remove any tooth structure —no drill...
master cosmetic dentost
Just Say No to Botox For Your Teeth Grinding Habit
From the desk of David Bloom DMD... About Teeth Grinding. Most of our patients grind—it's a difficult habit to break, especially as most do this during sleep. Teeth grinding can be very destructive...
Cosmetic Veneers-Choosing between Porcelain and Free-Hand Composite
Beauty in Porcelain. Creating by hand is becoming a lost art—for masters like Dr. Bloom, the old school methods—wax-ups, design by hand, and working on a stone model are essential. The masters know...
Direct Composite Veneers or Porcelain Veneers-which is right for you?
Which Smile Enhancement is right for you? This is an aesthetic decision you and Dr. Bloom make together once he understands your aesthetic needs and your dental health. Aesthetic treatment is...
Smile Make-Over with Composite Veneers—Minimal and Prepless Design
Dateline I.D.E.A Center-San Francisco-Oct 15-Oct 17 2021-Becoming a Master in the Art of Composite Dentistry Last weekend (while we were enjoying time off), Dr. Bloom hopped on a plane to S.F. for...
We’ve Gone High Tech With Bite Analysis
Welcome to Tekscan-Digital Occlusion Analysis system (btw occlusion is just a fancy word for the bite). Whether you’re new to our practice or a patient of record, you know our mantra-we have to get...
How Do You Sleep?
From the desk of David Bloom Dmd—getting your ZZZZs? How do you sleep? Maybe five hours or less—do you wake up frequently during the night? Has your primary care or dentist suggested a sleep study...
Treating Your TMJ Pain -We’re Going High Tech with Cold Laser Therapy
Laser TMJ Treatment In the COVID era, we see folks with chronic facial pain almost daily. We know that your pain is real, and just as like a spasm in any other part of our body, we need to calm the...
Our Practice Philosophy-A Few Manifestos Not To Be Trifled With
1. W.I.D.IO.M (Would I Do It On Me) is the litmus test for every one of our recommendations and treatments—TMJ pain, Quicksplint, custom bite splint, direct composite veneers, porcelain and ceramic...
People Don’t Care How Much You Know Until They Know How Much You Care.
People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. Although Dr. Bloom is a master dentist—will treat your TMJ pain, and any large or small dental issue and give you the smile of...
Contact Lens Veneer-We All Love Options And This One Is A Total Winner!
The Contact Lens Veneer—The Nexus between Artist and Dentist. Purely Cosmetic—Additive only—Non-Invasive. Pamela here—back with my camera to share an exciting cosmetic treatment where Dr. Bloom's...
The Master At Work-After Hours
Pamela here—Last sunday I tagged along (with my camera) to watch David at work in his lab. Yes, unlike most modern practices we have an in-house lab. Beautiful dentistry, often requires going old...